One point that really stuck in my mind and heart was the first point in Sam's message from John 4 on the woman at the well.
An encounter with Christ will always reveal truth. When Jesus asked the woman to go get her husband she said she didn't have a husband. Jesus knew this was true and commended her for it. You cannot come to Christ without coming clean with who or what you are. There was this feeling in her that she could come clean about her past with Jesus. Something accepting and non-judgmental about him that she just couldn't resist telling him the truth.
There must have been a huge weight lifting from her soul as she became vulnerable.
Christ was not shocked or disgusted with her truth. He already knew it. I really believe that the reason Jesus offered her "living water" was because she had taken a huge step forward by acknowledging who and what she was. She was ready to receive and he knew it.
How about you? Are you ready to come clean with your past? With Jesus you can unburden your soul and receive eternal life in the process.
I have always enjoyed reading about the woman at the well in the bible. I guess because I can relate and identify with her. Like the woman at the well, I too have had to come to Jesus with some heavy burdens of sin from my past. It was a HUGE relief to reveal those things and make my life right before God. Those things are gone and thrown in the deep dark sea...Thank you Jesus for the blood you shed for me and for everyone else too. What really urks me is when the devil tries to remind me of something my Lord has forgiven me of a long, long time ago.
P.S. Sam that is a great picture of Sam. He looks like a scholarly Rabbi. Oh yeah, Great preaching sunday Sam.
Okay, it looks like I'm the only blogger to respond to The Woman at the well blog. That's okay. In case anyone is interested I found my Mahalia Jackson cd with the song Woman at the well. Here's the lyrics. Too bad I don't know how to add a song on here or I'd let you here Mahalia sing rather than me just typing the lyrics.
Oh Jesus met the woman at the well Lord Oh Jesus met the woman at the well Oh Jesus met the woman at the well and he told her everything she done
said woman, woman where is your husband. He said woman, woman, where is your husband. Woman, where is your husband. And she said Oh, Oh Lord, I have none.
mmm He said woman, woman you have 5 husbands (2x's) Oh he said woman, woman, you have 5 husbands but the one you have now is not yours.
Oh she went running, running, running, running, running, running Oh to the city (3x's)...yeah to the city and she told them for a man told me everything I've done.
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