I know it's been a while since I posted something but we have been kinda distracted to say the least with Hurricane Ike. While many fared well with minimal damage to their property there are some who have lost much and it's going to take time to rebuild and restore.
While we were in Dallas hiding from Ike I kept thinking about those FEMA trailers and if they would be big enough for my family and would I still have a job to go back to and what exactly was all that stuff in my garage since I had the presence of mind to take a video recording of the interior of my house before we left, just in case, but I forgot about the garage so I lay awake at night and started making a list of everything in my garage for the insurance because it adds up pretty fast and i was surprised to see how many tools and other stuff we actually had and this is after I had cleaned up my garage and repainted it.
But alas, we didn't have any damage to speak of. I was secretly hoping for new rain gutters since the ones we have are so old and I was sure they were going to be gone but not one lousy rusted gutter was moved from it's place. We didn't even lose one shingle of roofing and I started to feel bad because I had prayed that the Lord would protect our home and now I was a little miffed because he did such a good job. I hope that doesn't make me a bad person and all. I think it just shows I'm human and sometimes not as spiritual as I would like to think.
I did weep for those who have lost so much and I will do my best to pray for them and to help them as much as I can to recover.
My heart goes out to all the people that did not fair in the storm as well. We just got home Sunday afternoon and we missed a bunch of things, but everyone in our neighborhood had fences down, trees everywhere, and roof damage. Jonathon had been praying for 2 years to get a new roof by a storm so the insurance would pay for it. Well he got his wish, there is no water damage to the house. We also need a few fence. Our fence is as old as our house 15 or 20 years old, so we needed a new fence as well.
We too were blessed with no damage to speak of. I think our fence is leaning a little, and that is okay. We too videotaped our home before we left not knowing what to expect when we returned. We only took our photographs, home videos, and important documents. Everything else we left behind. We decided that if we came back to nothing it would be okay because we had the important things with us.
Our hearts truly goes out to those who have lost little or alot in this storm. We will continue to pray for them and offer what we can to help them recover.
P.S. on a lighter side...our youngest son Marc (4yrs old) with a sigh of relief said as soon as we walked in the door "Whew! thank you God that the hurricane did not take my toys."
Lupe and Olga
It sure has been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks for sure. Amin has been on the phone calling all his people, many who live in Galveston, and alot of them have lost everything. It is so heartwrenching to hear and our hearts are heavy. We stayed home during the storm, unprepared (as always)and Thank God, HE took care of us through it all. We have gutters down, a leak in our roof somewhere and the fence blew down in a couple spots. Our electricity was out for a day. We swore next time we will be more prepared and evacuate like sane people and put up boards on the windows :)
Pastor Dan, that guy standing on the seawall filming the waves crashing over isn't you is it? I know you mentioned you guys went to Dallas. The baseball cap and long shorts looks alot like you.
No that's not me. I wish it were because it is a really cool photo.
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