Monday, December 1, 2008

Israel Tour - Day 2

Looking out over the Valley of Megiddo from atop Mt. Carmel where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal. It was on this Mt. that God answered by fire. The Valley of Megiddo is also known as the Valley of Armageddon where the final battle between good and evil will be waged.


Anonymous said...

AMAZING, you guys stood at the place of the last great earthly battle..Armageddon..the place where the Antichrist will summon the kings of the world for the battle of mankind, the last gigantic battle between good and evil and deciding the sovereignty of the WHOLE earth.

Awesome video & slideshow pictures. The picture of Pastor Dan drinking that cool, refreshing coke was funny. It reminded me of that sermon where Pastor Dan spoke about...don't anyone dare drink the last coke in his frig :) Did that coke taste exactly like our cokes in America?

Anonymous said...

We miss your blog Pastor Dan.